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Jackie Pye
Aug 31, 2018
In New Project Support
Add links to thinkers and doers who inspire your story
Jackie Pye
Aug 25, 2018
In School Frameworks
Check out this Learning Centre. They are not a school. In fact - it is against their mandate to be called a school. This is program about liberating teens and disrupting education give teens agency around their learning.
Jackie Pye
Aug 20, 2018
In Curricular Design
John Spencer is an expert in Design Thinking for schools and he is a former middle school teacher and current college professor on a quest to transform schools into bastions of creativity and wonder. "I want to see teachers unleash the creative potential in all of their students so that kids can be makers, designers, artists, and engineers. I explore research, interview educators, deconstruct systems, and study real-world examples of design thinking in action. I share what he is learning in books, blog posts, journal articles, free resources, animated videos, and podcasts." Included in his website are so many amazing tools including downloads - PBL Tool kit, Design Thinking Tool kit, Flow Theory Blueprint, Empower Blueprint and some great webinars along with his blog. He is a speaker and consultant. Enjoy!
Jackie Pye
Aug 19, 2018
In Really Good Articles
Know your community from the ground up and develop the "engine" for a new school. This multi million endeavour, by Willie Brown in the SF area, highlights the realities of school culture, governance, and human centred design that are important to the success of new schools.

Jackie Pye

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